This blog is being authored as yours truly is on the way back from arguments in the Virginia Supreme Court. (Perhaps more to come about that). The normal 1.5 hour drive has taken 3 hours primarily because of one accident after another on Interstate 64. At least the time has allowed me to reflect on traffic accidents.
Contrary to popular opinion, lawyers do not like traffic accidents. While it is true that without accidents, there would be fewer lawyers in the world, a traffic accident is a terrible thing.
My observations from the road are that:
- a lot of people are in a big hurry;
- they are extremely distracted; and
- they are not giving enough thought to the ability of an automobile to wreak havoc.
Lawyers don’t like accidents for many reasons:
- We and our families are out driving on the same roads as everyone else; and
- We really don’t want to see anyone get hurt; and
- We are stuck in the same traffic as everyone else.
So, from the bottom of my heart, let’s everyone please slow down and take the responsibility to drive safely seriously. In all likelihood, aggressive driving is not going to get you there any sooner. And when one crash is blocking one lane on the interstate and can cause a ten mile back up affecting thousands of people, maybe it’s time to pay more attention to the road.
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